Plastic injection moulding

In plastic injection moulding, plastic is melted and injected under high pressure into a mould. The cavity of the mould has the shape of the desired product. After cooling, the product has the desired shape, hardness and appearance. 

Very broad design freedom

Many functionalities integrated into one product via a single production run

Durable material

From initial idea to end product
And beyond

Plastic injection moulding is the production process we use to mould your vision in plastic. But we do more. Before and after plastic injection moulding, we help you on several components. Hollarts is your one-stop shop.

  • 1. Explore

    You have a vision. An idea that you would like to mould into a specific plastic product. You share that vision with Hollarts. An idea may exist in your head or you might have a sample product you want to work towards to. Both scenarios fit perfectly within the next steps.

  • 2. Enhance

    We enhance your ideas with our expertise and experiences. In what environment and under what conditions will the product be used? What wishes and requirements do you have for the product? This gives us a reasonable idea of the type of material, the design and the other requirements.

  • 3. Conceptualise

    Our engineers are already beginning to produce 3D drawings and product presentations. A prototype of your product is certainly one of the options.

  • 4. Develop

    Appointments are planned and scheduled. Then we form a project team that is fully dedicated to your product. We develop the mould and carry out the first injection moulding trials. The final adjustments are made together with you.

  • 5. Manufacture

    A number of final checks need to be made and then we can move on to the next phase. Lightning-fast robots, high-tech machinery and our experienced professionals now literally mould your vision into plastic. Your product can now enter the market!

  • 6. Support

    We will maintain your mould for as long as possible. We can also take care of the storage and transport of your product. And we will help you with recycling if required. In brief, we tailor our additional services to your exact requirements.

Require more information about plastic injection moulding?

Bel met Allard Froon
+31(0)316 - 22 73 33

Allard Froon


Plastic injection moulding ensures hard-wearing, durable products. Many Hollarts products find their way to the logistics, technical and home & garden sector.



Reliable load carriers for your (internal) transport.

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Matching parts for your technical systems.

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Home & Garden

Home & Garden

A wide range of options for every home.

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& raw materials


Plastics exist in many different varieties, sorts and types. This varies from the well-known widely available plastics such as PE and PP to the more exotic types. Each type of plastic has its distinctive properties and specific applications.

Recycled plastics
These are plastics that consist either of industrial waste streams or consumer waste streams. Through good selection, cleaning and grinding of these waste streams, the plastic that becomes available from them can be reused for new products. This makes closed-loop systems possible, for example.

Bio-based plastics
Bio-based plastics are characterised by the fact that the base does not come from oil but from predominantly residual flows from the agricultural industry. Consider, for example, stems of sugar cane left over after sugar refining; plastics can be made from this material.

Polyethylene (PE)
Polyethylene is a raw material often used in the production of plastic crates, trays and other load carriers. Due to its favourable properties such as high impact resistance in cold conditions, this is a robust and easy-to-process plastic. The main types of this material are: HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE.

Polycarbonate (PC)
A material that has a high impact resistance. The material can be used for products that need to be crystal clear (transparent) but are also perfect for colouring. The material has fire-retardant properties.

Polypropylene (PP)
Like PE, this is a material that is widely used for a wide variety of applications. Advantages of PP include, for example, its low specific weight and greater dimensional stability compared to PE. PP is available in different varieties such as: copolymer PP, homopolymer PP and random PP. Depending on the application, the right material is selected.

Polyamide (PA)
This is a so-called technical plastic with a high impact resistance (under the right conditions). This type of material is often used for products where greater strength and stiffness are important.

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)
ABS is an amalgamation of three different plastics, combining the best of these three plastics. ABS gives a nice product appearance and is perfect for products where mechanical loads are higher than with PE or PP. ABS also has excellent chemical resistance and good electrical insulation properties.

Polyoxymethylene (POM)
A hard plastic with good sliding properties and excellent wear resistance. It is an ideal replacement for metal parts.

Additional services Hollarts

We create an interplay of services to provide you with optimal help. What else can we do for you?

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